Letters to Ethan and Thalia

These are a series of letters that Ethan finds hidden amongst the floorboards of his mothers bedroom in the cabin he used to visit with her. They are addressed to Ethan and Thalia

My Dearest EmilyEthan,As I pen these words, I am filled with a mix of emotions, a bittersweet blend of love and longing. I want you to know, my sweet child, that you are loved beyond measure. From the moment you came into this world, your presence has brought me immense joy and boundless pride.Life has a way of unfolding before us, weaving intricate patterns that sometimes lead us astray. But in the midst of it all, please remember that you are cherished. You are a shining star in a vast universe, and my heart swells with love each time I think of you. There is something I want to share with you, a secret I hope you discover when you are older. It is a testament to the depth of my love and the lengths I would go to protect you. Time has a way of revealing what is meant to be known, and when the moment is right, you will find the truth.Until then, continue to embrace life's journey with an open heart and a gentle spirit. Follow your passions, express yourself through music, and let your light shine brightly upon the world. Never doubt the impact you have on those around you, for you are a beacon of love and compassion.Remember, my beloved child, that you are never alone. Even in the darkest of moments, love surrounds you, guiding your steps and warming your soul. My love for you is eternal, transcending time and space. May the years ahead be filled with laughter, adventures, and cherished memories. And when the day comes for our paths to intertwine again, may it be a joyous reunion that surpasses all expectations.With all the love in my heart,Jackie

My Dearest Emily Ethan,There are moments in life when decisions are made with the heaviest of hearts, and mine has been burdened by one such choice. It pains me to admit that I have kept a secret from you—a truth that I believed would spare you from unnecessary pain.Emily Ethan, my love, from the moment you entered this world, you brought immeasurable joy into my life. It was a joy I wished to protect, to shield from the ache of loss. You have a twin sister named Thalia, Thalia Summer McKay. She was taken from us, kidnapped before you had the chance to know her.
In my desperate search for answers and in the hope of one day reuniting our family, I made the decision not to tell you about Thalia. It was never out of a lack of love or a desire to keep her from you. Rather, it was because I wanted you to grow up unburdened by the weight of a sister lost, to cherish the memories we created without the ache of what could have been. I longed for you to have a childhood filled with joy, free from the pain of an absent sibling. I wanted you to forge your own path, unencumbered by the shadows of the past. It was a decision made out of love, my sweet child, as difficult as it was to bear.
Now, as I write this letter, I am filled with both regret and hope. Regret for the years we have missed, for the moments stolen from us. But hope, dear Emily Ethan, for a future where our family can be reunited, where the bond between siblings can be rekindled. Please understand that my intentions were rooted in love. Our family is incomplete, but the love that binds us transcends time and distance.Know that you are cherished beyond measure, my dear Emily Ethan. You are the light of my life, and I will always be here for you, guiding you through the ups and downs that lie ahead.With all my love,Jackie

My Dearest Thalia,I find myself drawn to the memories of a life that once was. Oh, how I wish you were here beside me, sharing in the laughter and love that filled my days. The void left by your absence is a constant ache in my heart, a reminder of what was lost and what could have been.In the midst of my longing, I find solace in the music that surrounds me. It is a balm for my weary soul, an echo of the melodies we used to share. Music was my calling, my passion, and the gift I sought to bestow upon every soul that crossed my path. I firmly believed that with time and effort, anyone could learn to sing or play, that music had the power to heal wounds that medicine couldn't touch.My days as a music teacher are filled with moments of pure joy and triumph. Watching my students blossom, witnessing their voices soar and their fingers dance across the keys, brings immeasurable satisfaction to my soul. But amidst the chorus of voices, a small part of me yearned for your voice to join in, for the harmony of our mother-daughter duet.Oh, Thalia, how I longed to share that same connection with you. To guide you through the intricate tapestry of music, to see your eyes light up as you discover the power within your own voice. But fate had other plans, and our paths were cruelly diverged before we had the chance to create our symphony. I searched tirelessly, leaving no stone unturned, desperate to find you and bring you back into our loving embrace. Though life took unexpected turns, and our melodies were interrupted, the love I hold for you remains unwavering. You are a part of me, a missing piece of our musical ensemble. And as the years pass, I pray that fate will guide our paths back together, allowing us to write the final notes of our shared symphony.Until that day arrives, my darling Thalia, hold onto the love that surrounds you. Embrace the music that whispers in your soul and know that my heart beats in time with yours, forever connected by the unbreakable bond of a mother's love.With all my love,Jackie

My Beloved Thalia,As I write these words, my heart overflows with love, longing, and an indescribable yearning to be reunited with you, my precious daughter. From the depths of my soul, I want you to know that you were never forgotten, never abandoned, not even for a single moment. The day you were taken from my arms was etched into my memory with searing pain, and since then, my life has been a tapestry of longing, hope, and relentless pursuit.My dear, I want you to understand that you were stolen from me, not given away willingly. The agony of that fateful day still haunts my dreams, the moment when you were ripped from my embrace before I could even truly know you. You were only hours old, a beacon of joy in a world that could be so cruel. How could I ever forget the softness of your touch, the warmth of your presence, the promise of a future intertwined?I need you to know that I have never stopped searching for you, never ceased hoping to find you. From the depths of my being, I have scoured every corner of this vast world, chasing down whispers and following trails that promised a glimmer of truth. I have traversed treacherous paths and faced unimaginable dangers, all in the pursuit of reuniting with you, my beloved daughter.I kept your existence hidden from your twin sister brother, Emily Ethan. It was not out of a lack of love or a desire to withhold your rightful place in our lives. It was because I did not want Emily Ethan to yearn for someone she never had the chance to know. I didn't want her him to carry the weight of a lost sibling, a void that could never be filled. I wanted her him to live her his life free from the pain and longing that consumed my every waking moment.No matter where life has taken you, please remember that you are loved unconditionally. Time and distance may have separated us, but the bond we share transcends all barriers. As you navigate this unpredictable world, I want you to carry with you the knowledge that a mother's love knows no bounds, that my love for you will endure until the very end. I believe, with every fiber of my being, that our reunion is not a mere figment of imagination but a destiny waiting to be fulfilled.Until that day, know that you are always in my thoughts, my prayers, and my heart. You are loved beyond measure, cherished beyond words. May the gentle embrace of the moonlight guide you and may the celestial melodies of the stars whisper my love to you each night.With unending love,Jackie

My Dearest Thalia,As the years have passed, and the ache in my heart has grown, I find solace in writing these letters to you, my lost daughter. They are fragments of my thoughts and emotions, scattered across the pages like whispers carried by the wind. Each word penned with the hope that one day, they will find their way to your hands and convey the depth of my love for you. Today, I want to share with you the story of our lives, the moments I've cherished with your twin brother, Ethan, who was born under a different name. Oh, Thalia, you would be amazed at the incredible young man he has become. Born with a spirit as radiant as the sun, he has taught me the true meaning of resilience and the strength that lies within.From the earliest days, it was clear that music coursed through his veins, much like the gift you possess, my dear daughter. His small hands would tinker on the guitar strings, creating melodies that filled our home with joy. Together, we would sing songs of love and hope, his voice like an angel's, and my heart swelled with pride. But life has a way of testing us, my Thalia, and Ethan faced his own trials.At the tender age of twelve, he confided in me his truth, the truth that he was meant to be a boy. The strength it took for him to share his authentic self with the world was astounding. From that day forward, he became Ethan, and I marveled at his unwavering determination to embrace his identity. Ethan's transition was a testament to the power of love, for he emerged from the cocoon of uncertainty, blossoming into the young man he was always meant to be. His voice, once filled with tentative notes, gained strength and conviction, just as his spirit soared with newfound confidence.But, my Thalia, I cannot deny the bittersweet ache that accompanies Ethan's transformation. While I celebrate the beauty of his journey, I cannot help but yearn for the reunion with my lost child—the child whose fate remains a mystery. You, my precious daughter, were stolen from my embrace before I could imprint your face in my memory. Yet, even in your absence, I have always felt your presence, the invisible bond that unites us.These letters, my dear Thalia, serve as a diary of my pain, my longing, and the unwavering love I hold for you. Through the ink that stains the pages, I weave together our story, connecting the threads of your existence with every heartbeat. It is my fervent hope that one day, these words will reach you, and you will know that you were never forgotten, never forsaken.As I reflect upon the life Ethan and I have shared, I am reminded of the beauty that can arise from the depths of despair. Our love has transcended the challenges we faced, and though our family may be incomplete, our hearts are bound together by an unbreakable bond. I eagerly anticipate the day when our paths shall cross again, when the mysteries that shroud your life will be unveiled, and we will be reunited in a symphony of love and healing.Until that day, my Thalia, know that you are loved beyond measure.
Your mother's heart beats for you, forever and always.
With eternal love,Jackie